Yeah, sorry for taking a while - but the game's here! Well, some of it.


You were just leaving the infinite superdungeon after a short little stroll - until you checked your back pocket, and realised you'd left your car keys near that little rest stop about one aleph into the damn place. Best go and get them back! All the while, avoid the local fauna from jumping all over you, and try not to get lost!


The bnuy is the local beast of the cave - half slime, half rabbit, all nuisance. Despite their cute appearance, their main prey and source of food is hapless adventurers who've lost their car keys, so you're in big trouble now.

The bnuy is a social, territorial creature, electing to spend its time in groups of three inhabiting caves large enough to support their herd. They have been known to leave these caves when chasing after their prey, though they generally avoid this behaviour since they get a little homesick. Their eyesight is also remarkably poor - they detect motion largely through vibrations in the ground, but rely on sight only for their devastating leap attacks.

Overall, the bnuy is your main threat in the cave - but, well, they look so nice and soft and cute and


First Godot game made! It's really a good engine for 2D games - despite the fact I got less game made in more time than when I was using Unity, that's probably partly down to me being out of practice (it's been months!), as well as me having to learn everything all over again in a slightly different style. But I feel as though, given time, Godot will be a much more useful tool for gamedevving than Unity was. I probably should've jumped ship sooner (but thanks for the excuse anyways!)

Apart from me praising Godot, I do think that this isn't my best work. There's not really much there anyways! You just sort of run around an infinite cave system. Originally I planned for you to battle the enemies, you could level up and they would too as you got further away, and it'd be a really fun metroidvania-shooter sort of ordeal. Kind of like a platformer Chancemancer, for all you diehard cakestorm fans that get the reference. Still, there's always time in future for me to implement things like that. And maybe it's good to start small in Godot, maybe go on to try out some more interesting ideas than platforming and shooting things.

I do enjoy how the art came out, though! It feels nice. Soft. The bnuys were fun to animate - they're inspired by those little cave story creatures, you know the ones, so I wonder how much the influence shows through. In a way I feel as though it's a shame all my games tend to be small cute pixel art things, and in a way I wish I could draw sprites like the ones in Metal Slug or the old pixel art final fantasies. Then again, it'd be more work. We'll see where the style goes!

And, if you've got this far, let me know how far you got in the cave too! Would love to hear if anyone got further than I did. Hope you enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed making it!

Development log

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